OPUD Water Restrictions
OPUD implemented Level 2 of our Water Shortage Contingency Plan restricting water use in the District. The plan calls for a 20% reduction in water use by the following methods (in response to Governer Newsome's executive order requirements);
Item | Action | Penalty |
Limit landscape irrigation to specific days | Odd numbered addresses can irrigate on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays while even numbered addresses can irrigate on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. There is NO irrigation allowed on Mondays. | Yes |
Limit landscape irrigation to specific times | No irrigation between 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM | Yes |
Restaurants can only serve water upon request | Water will be served when requested by customer | Yes |
Prohibit use of potable water for washing hard surfaces | Washing down sidewalks, driveways, parking lots or other paved surfaces is prohibited except to alleviate immediate fire or sanitation hazards | Yes |
Prohibit free-flowing hoses | Free-flowing hoses are prohibited for all uses, including vehicle and equipment washing, ponds, and evaporative coolers. Automatic shut-off devices shall be installed on any hose or other large-volume filling apparatus in use. | Yes |
Penalties will be assessed per the following enforcement schedule:
1. First violation - $25 fine
2. Second violation - $50 fine
3. Third violation - $100 fine
4. Fourth violation - $250 fine
Olivehurst Public Utility District has always encourage conservation of our most precious resource. OPUD encourages wise use of water. Conservation and water use efficiency is important to preserving our precious water resources. Water is needed for drinking water, household use, growing food, commercial and industrial uses, groundwater recharge and the environment.
Conservation reminders to check are;
Sprinkler Spruce-Up - The start of the watering season is the perfect time to spruce-up your sprinkler system. A sprinkler spruce-up involves four simple steps: inspect, connect, direct, and select Before you ramp up your watering this spring, spruce-up your irrigation system with a sprinkler spruce-up!
Leaks Can Run, but They Can't Hide - Are you ready to chase down leaks? Household leaks can waste nearly 1 trillion gallons of water annually nationwide, Fixing leaks inside and outside the home can save 27 to 9o0 gallons of water each day.
Wash Full Loads of Clothes and Dishes - Washer: saves 15–45 gallons per load. Dishwasher: saves 5–15 gallons per load.
Install High-Efficiency Toilets and Check for Running Toilets -Installing high-efficiency toilets can save 6-35 gallons per day.
Use a Broom to Clean Outdoor Areas - Using a broom to clean outdoor areas can save 6 gallons every minute.
Install Drip Irrigation & Add a Smart Controller - Installing a drip irrigation system and a smart controller can save 15 gallons each time you water.

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