Request for Bids - Historic Olivehurst Pipeline Project Phase 2
Notice is hereby given that the Olivehurst Public Utility District will receive sealed bids from prequalified bidders for the construction of the Historic Olivehurst Pipeline Replacement Project at 1970 9th Ave, Olivehurst, CA 95961. This project consists of constructing approximately 15,000 - 16,000 feet of new PVC C900 water main to replace existing steel mains. The project includes providing approximately 350 new service connections for residential meters. In addition to reconnecting to existing meters, around half of the meters will need to be relocated to make way for new curb, gutter, and sidewalk to be constructed at a later date. As part of the water main installation all associated appurtenances will also be installed, including shut off valves, fire hydrants, blow off and air release valves (where applicable and outlined in the Improvement Plans). Note an addendum will be provided next week that will include a bid alternative item for improvements of new PVC C-900 for steel main replacement from Olivehurst Ave past Ardmore on 11th Ave. The Bid Package may be obtained from Public Works Manager, Swarnjit Boyal via the following methods: Electronic copy by email (provided in hyperlink below – Note the hyperlink will have the bids in it later tonight) at For all hard copies, please come into the office located at 1970 9th Ave, Olivehurst, CA and paying via cash or check for a non-refundable amount of $100. Checks will be made out to Olivehurst Public Utility District. There is a voluntary Pre-Bid meeting that will start at the District, 1970 9th Ave, Olivehurst, CA starting on Tuesday at 9 AM on February, 25th 2025. Soon after, we will head over to project site/s to go over any additional items identified as relevant via onsite coordination to answer any and all questions. Note that Road Restoration and trenching requirements fall under Yuba County Jurisdiction. Note, that is project is funded via the State of California (Department of Water Resources) through the Urban Community Drought Relief Grant. OPUD will pay the awarded bidder per the Prompt Payment Act (Cal. Bus. Prof. Code §7108.5 and Cal. Pub. Contractor Code §§10261.5, 10262, and 10853). OPUD encourages progress payments and are recommended for submittal on a monthly basis. Any applicable federal requirements apply to this project. Bids are due no later than 2 PM, Thursday, March 13, 2025.
Pre-Bid Meeting - February 25, 2025
Bids Due - March 13, 2025